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Expert Tutoring

All of our tutors are experts in their fields and have been meticulously screened for qualifications and experience.

Flexible Scheduling

You decide the frequency of tutoring and we do the rest to ensure the program fits your schedule!

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Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs)

Luminary Tutoring develops individual learning plans to best support each student’s intellectual growth. We consult with parents to identify areas that are challenging for students as well as personal strengths of the student before developing a tutoring strategy. Our tutors customize lessons according to differentiated learning styles so that students become confident and self-sufficient learners.

Data-Driven Tutoring

Weekly Progress Reports

We believe that data drives results and helps achieve goals. We will use data from diagnostic and weekly, point-of-time assessments to guide our tutoring. Our tutors are dedicated to work on specific skills and maximize growth.

We strive to maintain consistent communication between tutors, students and parents. Tutors will provide weekly progress reports outlining your child's strengths, challenges and future goals from the tutor.


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Luminary Tutoring
65-70 Austin Street
Rego Park, New York
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